How to find your dream house (or CRM)! CRMs are like houses (part 3)

I started this blog series when we’d barely even heard of COVID-19. Since my last post in February about preparing to move house (or CRM) a lot has changed. Personally, I’ve had to take time and off wasn’t able to share a blog last month as I was down with symptoms-but have come out the other side and so thought it would be important to keep going with this series on ‘CRMs are like houses’!


Because being able to store, collect and report on data effectively has never been more important. As a charity, you’ll probably sit in one of three categories:

  1. You’ve got a series of spreadsheets, or a server-based CRM which has proved difficult to access and collaborate on while we’re all WFH. In which case, read on!

  2. You’ve already invested in a cloud-based CRM and potentially have a bit more time on your hands. Does your existing system need a bit of TLC? In which case 4 steps to get more from your database could help.

  3. I realise you may be in the boat where things have slowed down, or you have perhaps been furloughed. If this is you I’m sorry to hear this and hope this time can be used well. If you have chance to take a step back and look at how things could be done better in future-have you thought about investing in a good CRM? In which case grab a cuppa and read on as this could help in your reflection time.

If you’ve decided to look for a new CRM-or move house- congratulations! If you haven’t yet prepared for your move, take a look at my last post, or see whether you really need to move at all!

However, before you start browsing estate agents’ website and windows (or searching CRMs), make sure you take some time to think about what you’re really looking for.

Being able to store, collect and report on data effectively has never been more important.

You probably won’t make this decision alone either. If you’re in a family, you may want to ask them what they’d like first too, rather than making the decision on your own. It’s the same with a CRM. The more of your team that are involved in the decision, stating their needs and wants, the better the outcome will be. For two reasons:

  1. Your team will have fed in all their requirements, making sure that your new CRM meets the needs of all the team. They’ll help you to think of things you never could have alone too.

  2. Your team will feel bought into the process and therefore the change will be easier to manage. Think about it in terms of your family. Imagine that you’ve decided to move house but not consulted your other half. Maybe you think they’re too busy and you don’t want to add any further stress to them. So, you decided what your family need, go along to the house viewings alone and then break the news that your moving next week! It might prompt a few tears and a bit more stress than you meant for. This may seem extreme, but it happens surprisingly regularly with CRM systems!

How can we do this?

The best way to go about this is to get everyone together and see what people are needing. We’re all used to a team Zoom call by now! Get inspiration and ask them what they liked or disliked in previous houses. Ask them how many rooms you need, what you want the view to be like (you get the picture!). Taking time to detail your requirements will help before you go and do all the viewings (or demos). Having this list will help you to quickly and easily see whether a system meets your needs. I’d also recommend using collabortive tools such as google sheets or docs to allow people to add their thoughts wherever they are.

Once you’ve gone and done all your viewings (or demos). Don’t forget to still get everyone involved in the final decision. Narrow it down to a shortlist, get some second viewings, visit in the night and the daytime (Kirsty and Phil taught us all that!), speak to the neighbours. In the case of CRMs, this means making use of free trials and second demos, and speaking to other people who use the system can really help.

If you need some guidance for this process, then 4 steps to find the right database will guide you through this process and provide all the resources and tools you need to detail your requirements. Or get in touch to book your free consultation and advice session, if you need an external perspective.